Hari Har Mahadev


A gurukula or gurukulam is One of the famous educational systems practised in ancient India during the Vedic times was the Gurukul System. It was a residential schooling system which dates back to around 5000 BC where students were taught various subjects and were taught to live a cultured and disciplined life.
Gurukul was the home of a teacher or Acharya and was the centre of learning where pupils resided till their education was complete. The Guru (teacher) and the shisya (student) resided in the same house or lived close to each other. The main focus of a Gurukul was on imparting learning to the students in a natural surrounding. The system functioned on the well-rounded holistic development of a child, enshrining values such as discipline, self-reliance, right attitude, empathy, creativity, and strong moral beliefs.
Learning was customized to each student’s needs rather than as a common curriculum. The teachers played a major role to structure the learning on the basis of their assessments about the students. The students in the Gurukul were oblivious of outer distractions, living in close proximity of a teacher, where greater emphasis was laid on students’ mental, cognitive, spiritual and physical wellness.
The relationship between guru and shishya was so sacred that no fee was taken from the students. However, the student had to offer a ‘guru dakshina’ after completing his education, which was a token of respect paid to the teacher. It could be in the form of money or a special task that the student had to perform for the teacher.


  • The word sanskrita, meaning “refined” or “purified”, is the antonym of prakrita, meaning “natural,” or “vulgar.
  • Sanskrit is only scientific language which has no difference between hearing .reading and writing. Sanskrit was considered as “Dev Bhasha”, “Devavani” or the language of the Gods by ancient Indians. The corpus of Sanskrit literature encompasses a rich tradition of poetry and drama as well as scientific, technical, philosophical and dharma texts.
  • Sanskrit continues to be widely used as a ceremonial language in Hindu religious rituals and Buddhist practice in the forms of hymns and mantras. It is made up of the primordial sounds, and is developed systematically to include the natural progressions of sounds as created in the human mouth. It has been attested that one of the first written records may have been in Sanskrit. It was probably the texts that make of the Rigveda, which is a collection of Hindu hymns that dates back to ancient times.
  • Veda Abhayas

  • Veda means knowledge and not mere recitation of the words without knowing the meaning. The tradition has exploited this unfortunate situation also and tried to use it for the benefit of the uplift of ordinary human beings.
  • The ignorance of this situation is used to cause fear and the tradition tried to induce fear into the minds of ignorant people so that they will at least step into the spiritual field by fear. Once this spirit is realized, there is no need of these similes (Jnate karma na Vidyate..Gita). If your brain comes out of these worldly illusions through knowledge and devotion and if you are determined to serve the Lord, there is no meaning of any eclipse in your case.
  • Veda means knowledge or to know. The Adhyayana also means to know the meaning of the text as per the Sanskrit Grammar. The prefix Adhi to the word Ayana means the process of knowing the meaning and not the recitation at all. I wonder to think about the forced meaning of the word Adhyayana. Some ignorant person, who is unaware of the fundamentals of Sanskrit Grammar linked this stupid meaning to this word.
  • The fundamental concept of the Veda is to serve the food to the Divine Preacher, who is the incarnation of God (Agnou karana), to the devoted human beings (Brahmana Bhojana) and finally, to other livings beings like birds and animals (Pinda pradana). The food is prepared by God from the five inert elements for the sake of living beings. If you throw such food into inert elements like fire, earth etc., you are insulting God. Pouring milk into pores of the earth is also foolish. In such case, all the effort of God to synthesize food from the inert materials becomes waste.

    Yoga Abhayas

  • Vedas promote spiritual knowledge born of meditation, and the way to achieve which is the practice of Yoga. The root for Yoga, ‘yuj’, means ‘to unite.’ Mind with/and senses. Deeper Yoga practices is about controlling the Mind.
  • Asanas or postures do not have a major role either in the Vedas or in classical yogic texts, including the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali.
  • The Yoga Sutras emphasizes Pranava or the Divine Word (AUM) as a prime principle of Yoga practice, implying importance to Mantra Yoga. The Vedas are themselves mantras and therefore reciting them is itself a path of Mantra Yoga.Vedic mantras like Gayatri come with the origin of the Vedas.
  • Vedic Mantra Yoga and its corresponding Karma Yoga are outlined in the original rituals behind the practice of Karma Yoga, which in India today still extensively employs Vedic fire offerings. Mantra teach Dharma or the laws of life, and therefore . encourage loving, giving, helping and sharing with others: that is the basis of seva or service, an important aspect of Karma Yoga.
  • Ritual can be defined as a way of sacred action to approach the ‘nameless and formless.’ The Vedic fire or Agni-offerings are to carry messages to the higher worlds. The consecrated Vedic fire is a ritual action from within, and it becomes Yoga.
  • This Vedic ritual is not only outward but also inward: the inner sacrifice offering of speech, prana and mind to the deity within the heart.
  • Ayurveda Research

  • Ayurveda has the distinction of being the “oldest medical system known to man and the oldest and most comprehensive spiritual teachings in the world”. Ayurveda is based on the principle of maintaining a balance between the interrelated relationships within the body and mind. It helps the patient to understand the benefits of knowing their body and mind and to live in intimate relationship with nature.
  • Ayurveda is a holistic system of medical science and is the oldest healing science which is almost 5000 years old. Ayurveda contains two Sanskrit words: Ayu which means life or lifespan and Veda meaning knowledge.
  • Thus, Ayurveda means “the science of life.” This system of medicine was shaped in the ancient lands of India.
  • Hindu Vedas consider Ayurveda as a gift of Gods to mankind which was communicated to the saints and sages of India through deep meditation. Veda Vyasa, one of the greatest sages of India is considered to have written the Vedas for the first time. Ayurveda, recognized as new age medicine now, represents the science of life and longevity originating in the Vedic tradition of India. Based on the principle of eternal life, this medical system has a vast body of knowledge covering eight branches. Its major premise involves the symbiosis of mind, body and spirit. Any imbalance in this synthesis results in physical ailments.